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USA Fencing Regional and National Events
USA Fencing Regional and National Events

A short explanation on how USA Fencing Regional and National Events work inside of AskFRED

Written by Mitchell Lane
Updated over a week ago

AskFRED recently added USA Fencing Regional and National events to its database! As of today, this includes both final results and event registrations for all historical and future events. These events are all view-only on AskFRED, since registration is fully managed on the USA Fencing tournament platform. To register for, manage registrations, and/or see official data, you must visit USA Fencing's tournament registration site.

You can now also see these events in the Tournament Search and Results Search areas of AskFRED, as well as your claimed fencers' results and past tournament. If you select "USFA Sanctioned" in the filter, you can also filter by Regional and/or National events.

We update these events regularly, but since AskFRED is a separate system, the preregistration lists are not real-time. For official, fully up-to-date data about these tournaments, you should always consult the USA Fencing website linked in each of the tournaments.

These events do not trigger our standard preregistration lock and preregistration email functionality, as they are read-only for informational purposes. They are generally speaking, read-only. Additionally, AskFRED can only obtain certain pieces of information - not everything (though we're working on it). So, some of these results and registrations might be imperfect historically or missing some bits of information here and there. We took the stance of it being better to present the data we could obtain to you than hold it until it is perfect.

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