Saved Searches
Written by Mitchell Lane
Updated over a week ago

Saved Searches in AskFRED are a convenient way to get notified when new interesting tournaments or clinics have been posted without having to visit AskFRED to check. You can simply perform a search and then click "Save Search" to save it. You'll then receive a once weekly email report of all newly public tournaments/clinics that match your searches. You can also manage your saved searches in your "My Settings" area, removing the ones you no longer are interested in.

Saving a Search

Logged in Users can search for upcoming Tournaments and Clinics in AskFRED. Once you perform a search, you'll see a button that will allow you to save the search (see screenshot below). Whenever you see this button, it will save the current search parameters in the form. This includes if you make any changes to the form before you click the button.

Managing your Searches

You can manage your searches in your "My Settings" area. Clicking on the "Saved Searches" tab in this area will show you a list of your currently active saved searches. Here, you can click on a search to see the current results of the search, and/or delete a saved search.

Additionally, if you are currently looking at the search results for a currently saved search, you can delete the saved search on that same page or visit your saved search list by using the dropdown on the button like so:

When does the Saved Search email get sent?

The email is generated and sent early in the morning on Wednesdays. Most tournaments go live over the weekend, so we picked Wednesdays in order to maximize the number of tournaments sent in the email while balancing/minimizing the lag time between a tournament going live and you seeing it.

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