FRED's BC Transition
Written by Mitchell Lane
Updated over a week ago

As a Bout Committee member early in the transition from Old AskFRED to New AskFRED, there are a few things to know and consider.

Old FRED Data

All of your old, previously established tournaments still exist and are managed in Old AskFRED. You will only manage events created in New AskFRED inside of New AskFRED. For now, you won't be able to access any of your Old AskFRED events inside of New AskFRED. Events that are running on Old AskFRED will link people over to Old AskFRED.

Before we fully sunset Old AskFRED, we'll move the relationships of who owns what events into New AskFRED.


Running new events on New AskFRED should operate in roughly the same way as on Old AskFRED. The user interface will be slightly different, but we aimed for feature parity in the rebuild, so most everything should seem familiar.

We've done some extensive Quality Assurance testing over the past weeks and months, including on the running of events. We don't anticipate any major issues with running tournaments on New FRED. But, its hard for us to guarantee that everything definitely completely works.

So, we suggest that you approach the running of new events with some amount of caution. Expect issues to crop up and plan for there to be a bit of time required to resolve them. For example, if you are using Fencing Time to run your event, we'd suggest exporting the registration list from FRED and importing it to Fencing Time as soon as possible. This could give you time to identify issues, report them to support and have them resolved in time for your event.

If you do experience any issues at any time, please reach out to us. If something is missing, please let us know. If you have ideas for new features, please hold on those for a few weeks. Our current focus is purely on making sure this transition goes well. Once we're over that hump, you'll see new features and functionality rolled out at a regular pace, as well as a way to provide roadmap suggestions.

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